Elementary Primary Years Programme (PYP)
The primary goal of the PYP is to develop inquiring, knowledgeable, and caring young people who help create a better and more peaceful world through their actions. PYP provides a framework for organizing curriculum and delivering instruction. It is not a curriculum the district has purchased to implement, rather it is a framework into which we fit our curriculum and the Utah State Standards. All grade levels focus their curriculum around the same six themes of global significance. These themes are intended to help children engage with their world and the world around them. In this program, students inquire, make connections, develop conceptual understanding, think critically, work collaboratively, consider multiple perspectives, construct meaning, reflect, and take action. For more information please use the following link IBO PYP Programme

The IB Primary Years Programme (PYP) strives to develop internationally minded persons who demonstrate the attributes of the IB Learner Profile by ensuring that learning is engaging, relevant, challenging and significant. Providence Hall students should strive to be:
Inquirers – I can be curious. I can ask questions and find answers all by myself. I can enjoy learning for the rest of my life.
Knowledgeable – I can explore new ideas about the world around me. I can increase my knowledge and understanding.
Thinkers – I can make good decisions by thinking about problems creatively.
Communicators – I can understand and share with others about ideas in different ways and in different languages.
Principled – I can show respect for myself and for all other people. I can be fair, honest and responsible for what I do and say.
Open-minded – I can try to understand others and experience new things. I know that there is more than one way to look at things.
Caring – I can be caring and respect other people’s feelings. I can act to make a positive difference to their lives.
Courageous – I can be brave and try new and scary things all by myself. I can stand up for things I believe to be right and true.
Balanced – I can learn to be balanced in mind, body and soul. I can feel good and help others feel good too.
Reflective – I can understand by thinking about and asking myself questions about the things I learn and do.