Patriots, if you haven't purchased (or adopted) a yearbook, now is the time! This yearbook is one of our best and our Patriots have been hard at work all year capturing 2023-2024 for you. Yearbooks are only on sale until the end of April! ------------------------------------ Patriotas, si no han comprado (o adoptado) un anuario, ¡ahora es el momento! Este anuario es uno de nuestros mejores y nuestros Patriotas han estado trabajando duro todo el año capturando 2023-2024 para usted. Los anuarios están a la venta hasta finales de abril.
12 months ago, Providence Hall Junior High
Heya Patriots, tomorrow is a B day and the last day of Term 3! #WeAreProvidence #ProvidenceHallJuniorHigh
12 months ago, Providence Hall Junior High
B Day
Do you have a busy week planned? Then come support PHJH and take a night off from cooking by having dinner at Zupas this Wednesday! Make sure to mention PHJH when you check out so the proceeds come to our school. #weareprovidence #weloveourschool
12 months ago, Providence Hall Junior High
We know it's a little confusing on Fridays, and this one is a little extra confusing, but tomorrow is an A Day!
12 months ago, Providence Hall Junior High
A day
This week we are highlighting the actress Isabel Sanford. According to the National Museum of African American History and Culture: "A veteran stage actress who first performed with the American Negro Theatre, Isabel Sanford became famous for portraying Louise “Weezie” Jefferson. She first took the role in the television sitcom All in the Family but received acclaim for reprising the role in its spin-off sitcom, The Jeffersons. The series defied popular stereotypes of African Americans by featuring an affluent black family and including an interracial married couple as supporting characters. Sanford shined as a comedic foil, playing the patient wife to the overbearing George Jefferson, performed by actor Sherman Hemsley, while also addressing taboo subjects like race and social class. For her performance, Isabel Sanford was nominated for seven consecutive Best Actress Emmy awards. In 1981, she won the award making her the first African-American actress to win in the category, and the second to win an Emmy."
about 1 year ago, Providence Hall Junior High
black history 3
The cool place to be tonight is at our PHJH Preview Night! Things kick off at 6 pm sharp, so come early to get a seat and see what our program has to offer. This is a great time for new families, incoming 6th graders, or those who are curious about what we're all about to come and learn about the Patriot's Pathway Program and how it can help you (or your student) reach their full potential. See you soon!
about 1 year ago, Providence Hall Junior High
Curious about what the Pathways Program can do for you or your student? Then come check us out at our PHJH Preview Night this Thursday at 6 pm!
about 1 year ago, Providence Hall Junior High
This week we'd like to highlight "Walkin' Talkin' Bill Hawkins", who was the first Black Disc Jockey (or DJ for those who are of the younger audience) of Cleveland, Ohio. At one point he could be heard on four different radio stations and paved the way for other African American DJ's on the radio!
about 1 year ago, Providence Hall Junior High
black history 2
As part of our focus on Black History Month, we'd like to highlight some of the amazing African American artists who've pioneered in their fields. First up is Alma Thomas! According to, "Thomas’ role in art history now stands as an inspiration to many by being able to achieve great success as a black woman artist despite the segregation and prejudice of her time. Along with this great success, Alma had many other accomplishments like being the first graduate of Howard University’s Art Department where she continued to have a close relation to through the duration of her life."
about 1 year ago, Providence Hall Junior High
black history 1
Hey Patriots, a quick reminder that our dance is tomorrow! Students can't have any major discipline referrals or NG's, and tickets are $5. Hope to see you there!
about 1 year ago, Providence Hall Junior High
Mark your calendars...on February 22 the place to be is PHJH for our Preview Night! Come see what we have to offer from 6:30-7:30 pm. See you soon! #WeAreProvidence #TheHallWay
about 1 year ago, Providence Hall Junior High
In addition to Black History Month, it's also CTE Awareness Month! We will be highlighting both events periodically throughout February. Shout out to Mr. Lagana for putting these together! She's AMAZING! #TheHallWay #WeAreProvidence
about 1 year ago, Providence Hall Junior High
Oh my gosh, tomorrow is an Early Out Day! School dismisses at 1:30 pm and will resume on January 8. 💕 #weareprovidence #happyholidays
about 1 year ago, Providence Hall Junior High
our elementary band and choir did so amazing at the christmas assembly!!
about 1 year ago, Providence Hall
Huge Congratulations to our PHJH Boys Basketball Team the 2023 STATE CHAMPIONS!!! All your hard work and dedication paid off. 🏀 Thank you Coach Joyce and Coach and Coach Anderson for an outstanding season and thank you parents and students for supporting our boys every step of the way! #Wearethephjhpatriots #2023statechampions
about 1 year ago, Awbree Summers
PHJH 2023 Boys Basketball State CHAMPIONS!!!!
PHJH 2023 Boys Basketball State CHAMPIONS
Hey Providence Hall Community! If you'd like to give back this holiday season, please consider helping out some of our students and their families with our Giving Tree. Here's the information for how to help out!
over 1 year ago, Providence Hall Junior High
Get your Providence Hall Swag by clicking on the link below. Great for stocking stuffers, a quick spruce up of dress code options, or the perfect cure if you are having a little online shopping itch.
over 1 year ago, Providence Hall Junior High
Tomorrow is our Fourth Annual Veteran’s Day Program, which is a HUGE deal here at Providence Hall Junior High! Please check your email for an update from Mrs. Summers. Once a year, we ask that all of our students PHJH stand in solidarity to honor our Veterans by coming to school in their best dress. If students are unable to come in their best dress, we ask that they please come in dress code colors. ¡Mañana es nuestro Cuarto Programa Anual del Día del Veterano, el cual es un GRAN acontecimiento aquí en Providence Hall Junior High! Por favor, revise su correo electrónico para una actualización de la Sra. Summers. Una vez al año, pedimos que todos nuestros estudiantes PHJH se solidaricen para honrar a nuestros Veteranos viniendo a la escuela con su mejor vestido. Si los estudiantes no pueden venir en su mejor vestido, les pedimos que por favor vengan en colores del código de vestimenta.
over 1 year ago, Providence Hall Junior High
Hey Patriots, just a reminder that tomorrow is an At-Home Focus Friday! Focus Friday Assignments were sent home in Crew classes today and are also available in Canvas. They are DUE by Tuesday, November 7, and will count as attendance for tomorrow. Have a great weekend! #TheHallWay #WeAreProvidence ....... Hola Patriotas, ¡sólo un recordatorio de que mañana es un Viernes de Enfoque en Casa! Las tareas del Viernes de Enfoque fueron enviadas a casa en las clases de Crew hoy y también están disponibles en Canvas. Deben entregarse antes del martes 7 de noviembre y contarán como asistencia para mañana. ¡Que tengan un buen fin de semana! #TheHallWay #WeAreProvidence
over 1 year ago, Providence Hall Junior High
Focus Friday
Yesterday was the due date for all cash you received for the chocolate sales. At this point any amount we are short on the collection side comes out of the profits for the kids, so if you have any money left, please bring it tomorrow. We cannot accept half cases. A parent’s signature was permission that the parent would take responsibility for the full $60 of chocolate. If you have a partial case, please send in the $60 and your student can continue to sell and pay you back. Thank you for your support with our fundraiser this year, we know it was a lot of work, and are excited to be able to help our schools with the money we received! Ayer fue la fecha de vencimiento de todo el efectivo que recibió por las ventas de chocolate. En este punto, cualquier cantidad que nos falte en la recaudación proviene de las ganancias para los niños, así que si le queda algo de dinero, tráigalo mañana. No podemos aceptar medias cajas. La firma de un padre era el permiso de que el padre se haría responsable de los 60 dólares completos del chocolate. Si tiene un caso parcial, envíe los $60 y su estudiante podrá continuar vendiendo y reembolsarle. Gracias por su apoyo con nuestra recaudación de fondos este año, sabemos que fue mucho trabajo y estamos emocionados de poder ayudar a nuestras escuelas con el dinero que recibimos.
over 1 year ago, Providence Hall Junior High