Hey Patriots, just a reminder that tomorrow is NOT an early out day, it's a regular Wednesday! Fall Break is from October 26-30. We look forward to seeing you all on Halloween!

Okay, the deadline to return your money and leftover boxes of chocolates is approaching! Make sure to bring your money and chocolate to school TOMORROW to turn in! #WeAreProvidence #TheHallWay

Our fundraiser closes tomorrow, but it's not too late to donate! You can use the QR code or go to https://shopprovidencehallpto.square.site/ to donate straight to your favorite middle school! You won't regret it. #WeAreProvidence #TheHallWay

Whether it's Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Festivus, or Chocolate Friday, the holiday season is rapidly approaching and you should stock up on some chocolate TODAY! Talk to your local middle school Patriot for more information. #WeAreProvidence #TheHallWay

In case you didn't know, supporting PHJH students by buying chocolate has AT LEAST five benefits! Don't miss out and get your chocolate today! #WeAreProvidence

Okay, so you really want to donate money, but you're allergic (wink-wink) to chocolate? We got you covered! Scan the QR code or go to https://shopprovidencehallpto.square.site to donate directly to our school!

Alright...how many chocolate bars can we sell to get us a week of Dress Down?! What about a school dance?! These chocolate bars make great stocking stuffers, emergency chocolate rescue stashes, and gifts for the people you love!! Go sell some chocolate Patriots! Remember that all money and boxes are due back on Monday! #WeAreProvidence

Hey Patriots! Today is the LAST DAY to check out chocolate boxes to sell before the weekend! We've raised just over $1,500 and are working our way towards our Nine-Square. Let's get out and sell some chocolate and win some more Prizes!! Remember that all chocolate boxes and money are due back on MONDAY. #WeAreProvidence

Let's get ready for an amazing "B" day tomorrow! #WeAreProvidence

For some spook-tacularly good evening entertainment, come to PHHS tonight at 7:00 pm and hear our Concert Band perform! It'll be a ghoulish good time! #WeAreProvidence #TheHallWay

Alright, you pseudo-Soccer Moms and BBQ Dads...it's time to shine and see who can represent! Come dressed as your best Soccer Mom or BBQ Dad and let's see who wins! #TheHallWay #WeAreProvidence #SpiritWeek2023

Patriots, "A"ssemble for an amazing A day tomorrow, October 13! #WeAreProvidence #TheHallWay

Yeehaw, it's time for Western Wednesday! Come show off your best from the West or make sure to be in dress code. #SpiritWeek2023 #WeAreProvidence #TheHallWay

It's time for Twinning Tuesday! Match with your bestie tomorrow, or make sure to be in dess code. #SpiritWeek2023 #WeAreProvidence #TheHallway

It's time for Spirit Week...and tomorrow is "Monochrome Monday," come dressed in one color from head to toe! If you choose not to come dressed in a single color, you need to be in dress code. See you tomorrow!
#WeAreProvidence #TheHallWay

The "ghoul" place to be tonight is at PHHS for our Fall PHJH Orchestra Concert! Wear your Halloween Costumes and come listen to our "spook"tacular Patriots play. #TheHallWay #WeAreProvidence

Hey Patriots, don't forget there is NO school tomorrow September 29. Go soak up some sunshine, make some memories, and we will see you on Monday! #WeAreProvidence #TheHallWay

Last call for PTC, Patriots! They are Open House Style, so come when you can and meet with whoever you need. Just remember that if you need more that 5-10 minutes, it's a good idea to email the teacher and set up an appointment. :) Also, don't forget that today is an Early Out Day, and there's no school tomorrow!

Don't forget, Parent Teacher Conferences start TODAY! They are Open House style, so come when you can and meet with whichever teachers you need. If you need more than 5-10 minutes, we suggest emailing the teacher to set up an appointment. Happy PTC!

Come one, come all to our Fall Orchestra Concert at PHHS on October 3! Wear your Halloween costumes if you'd like and come support our amazing Patriot Orchestras. #TheHallWay #WeAreProvidence