Lottery & Enrollment Information

While Providence Hall is a free public charter school, it does not provide transportation services for students. Providence Hall has a limited lottery-based bus service with a quarterly fee, which is currently full.

Si bien Providence Hall es una escuela pública autónoma gratuita, no brinda servicios de transporte para estudiantes. Providence Hall tiene un servicio de autobús limitado basado en lotería con una tarifa trimestral, el cual actualmente está lleno.

Contact Information
Kristin Adams - Enrollment Coordinator (Registrar)

Providence Hall Charter School (PHCS) is a tuition-free public charter school located in Herriman enrolling kindergarten through 12th grade. PHCS considers admissions for all students who reside in Utah and follow the admission process by given deadlines. For the current school year, PHCS anticipates enrolling about 2150 students. PHCS reserves the right to decline admission to students who have been expelled/suspended from their previous school or have other pending disciplinary issues or if false, misleading, or incomplete information is included in enrollment documents. However, each student’s enrollment request will be looked at on a case by case basis in these instances.

When selecting the grade level to place your student on our waiting list please remember these things:

  • Per R277-419-2, a student must be at least five (5) year old on or before September 1st to enter Kindergarten.

  • Per R277-419-2, a student can be no more than 18 years old on or before September 1st of their 12th grade year, unless the student is YIC or has a current IEP in place and in those cases the age may be no more than 21 years old on or before September 1st but you would need to meet first with someone at our school to check on this.

  • No student may be retained (repeat a grade) or accelerated (skip a grade) unless they have followed the procedure outlined in our Student Acceleration and Retention Policy found in the 6000-Instruction section of our Policies page here.

25-26 School Year (Next School Year)

  • Do not submit a lottery application if your student already is enrolled at one of our schools, because enrollment automatically rolls over to the next school year even if moving up to the next school if you told us your student was returning in the required annual Enrollment Intent Form (like moving up from the Elementary to the Junior High, or moving up from the Junior High to the High School).

  • Do not submit a lottery application if already submitted a Lottery Application for the 25-26 school year and just need to add on another student. In this case use the lottery confirmation code you were sent to pull up your application via this link and use the Add Student button.

  • Do not submit a lottery application if you already submitted a Lottery Application for the 25-26 school year and are awaiting acceptance.

  • Do not submit a lottery application if you are wanting Dual Enrollment (home school or private school student wanting to take classes at Providence Hall), because Providence Hall does not accept Dual Enrollment students. Please see our Dual Enrollment (Home School & Private School Students) & U-PASS Policy.

  • Do not submit a lottery application if you are wanting Split Enrollment (a student enrolled in another public school or charter school who only wants to take JROTC with us or another class your school doesn't offer. Contact our Enrollment Coordinator (Registrar), Kristin Adams (, directly for questions about Split Enrollment.

  • Do not submit a lottery application if you looking to enroll a foreign exchange student in a J1 or F1 spot. Contact our Enrollment Coordinator (Registrar), Kristin Adams (, directly for questions about this availability.

If none of the above apply to you and
this is the first time you are submitting a
Lottery Application for the 25-26 school year
then fill out one application below per family,
adding multiple students to the one family as needed.

Contact Information
Kristin Adams - Enrollment Coordinator (Registrar)

While Providence Hall is a free public charter school, it does not provide transportation services for students. Providence Hall has a limited bus service that is selected by a lottery-based system, which is currently full.

Aunque Providence Hall es una escuela pública concertada gratuita, no proporciona servicios de transporte a los alumnos.
Providence Hall cuenta con un servicio de autobús limitado que se selecciona mediante un sistema basado en la lotería, que actualmente está completo.

Submitting a Lottery Application
is the First Step of the Process
& Does Not Guarantee an Enrollment Spot

24-25 School Year (This School Year)

We accept new students at all three of our campuses
as spots open up throughout the remainder of this school year.

Contact Information
Kristin Adams - Enrollment Coordinator (Registrar)

Elementary School Tour – Email

Junior High School Tour – Schedule a Calendly Tour

High School Tour – Email


  • In Providence Hall Charter School, all programs and services are open to all persons regardless of their race, color, national origin, sex, age, and disabilities.

  • Submitting a Lottery Application is the first step in a multi-step process to enroll your student at Providence Hall.

  • ALL students currently not attending Providence Hall start here, even if the student previously attended Providence Hall then left (withdrew) and is now wanting to return.

  • Begin by clicking the Lottery Application button to enter a student in the lottery system, but keep in mind submitting a Lottery Application does not mean the student is enrolled at Providence Hall or guaranteed an enrollment spot.

  • The information you enter in the Lottery Application transfers to our lottery system and you will be assigned a lottery confirmation code that will be sent to the email you provide in the Lottery Application. Make sure to save the email with your lottery confirmation code!

  • Our annual lottery for the following school year acceptances takes place each year at our elementary school on the second Thursday of February at 10 am. There is no need to be present for this.

  • Once the lottery is run, students are assigned a lottery order number in their grade level waiting list based on priority in the following order: 1st-students of school founders/current Board of Trustees members; 2nd-students of full-time certified employees; 3rd-students of currently enrolled siblings, 4th-all other students.

  • If your student's lottery number comes to the top of the list, then an Offer of Enrollment Google Form will be sent to you via the EMAIL you provided when you signed up in the lottery and you must submit that form within 48 hours from the time is is sent to or your student will lose the offer of enrollment and be removed from the waiting list.

  • It can take through the end of February to get through all the initial acceptances after the lottery is run. After that, acceptances continue as applications are received and spots are available.

  • If your student does not receive an immediate offer of enrollment after the lottery is run, your student may receive one at any time (even over the summer) if a spot opens up, so keep your lottery confirmation code and keep checking your email!

  • To be prepared for enrollment if your student is offered a spot, make sure you have these documents ready to go: 

  1. Birth Certificate: Per state requirement you must also bring a certified copy of this student's original birth certificate in-person to the school for verification sometime prior to the student’s first day of attendance with Providence Hall.

  2. Immunization Record or Exemption Record: Record must show student's name. Exemption must be the current version (

  3. Proof of Withdrawal or Proof of Intent to Withdraw: Required if student is/was enrolled in any Utah school in grades K-12 prior to enrolling at Providence Hall. Something that shows you have told the current/previous school this student is withdrawing or is intending to withdraw (withdrawal papers, an email you sent to the school, a school form saying student isn't returning, etc.)

  4. Transcript(s): Required for Enrollment in 9th-12th Grades You must submit a separate transcript for each different school the student has attended since 9th grade, even if one transcript shows courses/credits from another school transferred on it. Transcript(s) must show: -ALL 9th-12th classes completed to date -Credits earned for each class -Grades earned for each class
    PHCS will transfer courses/credits of each school’s transcript based on PHCS’ own evaluation of each transcript, and not on how another school may have evaluated them transfer credit.
    PHCS will not change or re-evaluate any original credit on an official student transfer transcript from another School, and credit will be transferred into the PHCS student information system with no changes or alterations to original credit earned from a transfer School.
    PHCS does not accept credits or transcripts that are self-produced, created by home school students/parents, or from non-accredited educational institutions.
    For out of state transcripts a syllabus for each course may be needed for the courses to be properly transferred, and it is my responsibly to provide this for proper transcript evaluation purposes.
    Out of country transcripts must be translated into English, and must include all of the following: 1) number of hours a week each course met, 2) the length of each course in weeks, 3) the grading scale converted to A-F scale. A syllabus for each course may be needed for the courses to be properly transferred, and it is my responsibly to provide this for proper transcript evaluation purposes.
    PHCS only accepts credits for courses taken in grades 9 through grades 12. Credits can be earned beginning the summer before the students grade 9 year. If a student provides an official transcript from a school which awarded high school graduation credit prior to the student’s grade 9 year, the credits shall be placed on the student’s PHCS transcript. No credits will be taken from a middle school transcript and placed on the high school transcript.

  5. Current Classes Taking:  Required for Enrollment in 9th-12th Grades This is needed if the student is taking classes that are not yet showing on an unofficial transcript yet. Print off or take a screenshot of the class names and current grades.

  6. Legal Documents: Required if Applicable to Student
       Divorce Docs Required: must include pages that show...
       -case info/names
       -court signature & file date
       -this student's name/initials
       -the person enrolling this student has legal custody
       -anything relating to school records or limitations relating to school (e.g., sole legal custody)
       Legal Guardianship
       Notarized Power of Attorney
       Foster/Proctor Placement
       Protective Order(s), etc.

You can check your lottery status via this link using the lottery confirmation code you were emailed.

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